Connecting with your audience is vitally important for the long-term success of your business.

Having a good and compelling story to convey can turn your business into a powerhouse which is why you should invest time and effort into creating one. Your business does not exist in a void, but rather as part of an ecosystem where each member of this ecosystem has their own view and interest in what they are aiming to achieve and how your company fits that purpose. Here are some key focus groups to consider:


  • Employees are the company’s most valuable asset, regardless of what role they play. For a company to stay competitive in the market it needs a reason for its existence and a sense of direction for what is to come. To make a long term commitment to your company, people need to feel a connection to what it is your company does, what is the company’s role in society, and the reason for its existence. By communicating the core idea of WHY the business exists, what values and culture you promote, and what the future direction is you can create a connection that turns the people in the company into ambassadors for your business but also reduces staff turnover.


  • Customers increasingly make conscious choices in what companies they support and why. To have an honest and compelling story to communicate through your brand, advertising, products, and services will increase your markets share, turn your business into a premium brand, and generate external brand ambassadors.

Shareholders and investors

  • Shareholders invest in companies that have a good and well-communicated story behind them. It gives those companies a clear reason for being, a clear WHY. It also communicates the other elements, the HOW and WHAT. (Simon Sinek reference). Shareholders and investors also look at the values, ambitions, and commitments a company does.

Subcontractors and suppliers

  • Subcontractors and supplies are increasingly paying attention to how companies operate, what their core values are, and how they contribute to society, e.g. in terms of sustainability. By communicating a good story you can turn these into long term partnerships that are more than buyer-seller relationships. They will turn into mutually beneficial relationships of alike companies sharing not only a value chain but values and turn it into an alliance for the common benefits of the whole ecosystem.


Connect with people today

Reach out to create the story for your business today. Or if you have one, but don’t feel like you are reaching your goal and we’ll help you make it more compelling.